Keep it local
When selling scrap gold jewelry, it is highly recommended to do business with a reputable firm in the community who is accountable for their business practices. Local dealers must abide by local laws designed to protect you. The “here today – gone tomorrow” crowd is not. For example, if you change your mind for any reason, local jewelers will hold new purchases for 2 to 3 weeks and may be willing (but are not required to) sell your jewelry back to you at or near cost. Also just having the ability to say YES, NO, or “Let’s talk about it” is nice. You can’t do that if you mail your gold to the “national” buyers. If you are going to mail your gold to a firm outside of the area be sure it is in an insured or registered package that you can track, and be sure you can get your merchandise back if the price isn’t right. A minimal amount of research on the Internet reveals that almost all such companies pay very little for your gold and silver. (Those ads aren’t cheap! Neither is that short term rent space!) Also they never have to look you in the eye again. But there is usually no reason to send your gold out of town if you are armed with their best prices. Many local shops will be more competitive.